Roger Smalling, D.Min

These manuals are the core of the "Visión R.E.A.L" leadership training system. The teacher's manuals contain lesson plans, group exercises, quizzes and graphics with transparency templates. The teacher needs a working knowledge of the subject, but much of the tedium in teaching is taken care of here. Student's manuals and workbooks are provided in prose format.

* PERSONAL REVIVAL: Teacher's Manual  A devotional life course to help Christians improve communion with Christ, be led by God, increase faith and believe that they are what Scriptures say they are. Word, PDF

* HOW TO TEACH THE DOCTRINES OF GRACE: A teacher's study guide An introductory study in the reformed doctrine of salvation, complete with lesson plans, group exercises and quizzes. Ideal for small groups or Sunday School. Word, PDF Accompanies Smalling's book, "Unlocking Grace" available on this site free or KINDLE. *STUDENT'S STUDY GUIDE: The same as the teacher's manual but without instructions to the teacher and answers to quizzes. Word, PDF

* JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH: A study guide on justification. Eight lessons with fill-in-the-blanks. Ideal for group studies. Teacher's Guide, Word, PDF: Student's Guide, Word, PDF [Condensed version of Justification for home groups, only eight pages: Word, Pdf]

* SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: (Word, PDF) An overview of biblical theology will give you the ability to detect error instantly, confirm the authority of Scripture by seeing the relationship between each doctrine in a coherent system that could have no human origin. Student Notes: Blank spaces to help students follow lectures. Uses Berkhof's Systematic Theology textbook (PDF).

* CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP: Teacher’s Manual An Elder Training Manual. Introduces the Christian view of leadership with practical lessons on communication with subordinates, conflict resolution, negotiating, creative thinking, vision and planning. Contains 16 lessons with lesson plans, group exercises and quizzes. Word, PDF
*Textbook for course: CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP: Principles and Practice
This course may be taken for credit with MINTS. (The study guides for this course are shorter, eight lessons of two hours each.) Leader Guide Word, PDF; Student Guide Word, PDF

*THE PRACTICE OF BIBLICAL CHURCH GOVERNMENT: Does God endorse any form of church government that suits us? Is it a cultural question? This interactive study helps students see the principles of biblical church government as primarily moral and only secondarily as administrative. Word, PDF    
Student's Manual, Church Government   Word, PDF

* SACRAMENTS: Teacher's Manual A brief introductory study in the reformed and Presbyterian view of sacraments. Interactive and good for small groups. Word, PDF
Student's Manual for Sacraments
Identical to teacher's manual except answers not provided. Word, PDF

* DIDACTICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS  Dr. Smalling was asked to teach a seminar to Sunday School teachers on teaching methods. This manual explains his style and philosophy of didactics for that setting. Word, PDF

* FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE:   Teacher's Manual. A question and answer study on freedom of conscience using Hebrews 10, Romans 13 and 14, then comparing conclusions with the Westminister Confession Chapter 20. Ideal for Sunday School or home groups. Word, PDF  (Student's Manual, without the answers: Word, PDF)