Roger Smalling, D.Min
• OUCH! EVERYTHING HURTS! A friend wrote that his life was falling apart. He had lost his job, was losing his house and developed a life-threatening illness. He asked why God was doing these things since he had been obedient to the Lord. Below is a reply. Happily, he as since recovered from all these. Word, PDF
* WHY CAN’T YOU CHRISTIANS JUST ACCEPT THAT EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE THEIR OWN WAY TO GOD?! A celebrity on YouTube vehemently attacked Christianity with the above “question.” She was not really interested in answers. Assaults on the Bible teaching that Christ is the only way to God have increased in our day. This essay exposes hidden assumptions behind such attacks, to help the unbeliever see his need of one capable Savior. Word, PDF
* HOW TO GROW IN YOUR MINISTRY GIFT A page of practical advice on how to develop a ministry gift God has given you. Word, PDF
* SHOULD A CHRISTIAN GO TO A SECULAR PSYCHOLOGIST FOR COUNSELING? Radical differences exist between Christianity and many secular psychologists. Such incompatibilities may cause negative consequences if a believer is careless about the counsel given. Word, PDF
* WHY DOES GOD SEEM SO CRUEL IN THE OLD TESTAMENT? Divine judgments in the Old Testament may seem excessively severe. Why? Word, PDF
* IS ROMAN CATHOLICISM A LEGITIMATE CHRISTIAN CHURCH? It depends on how we define it. The answer is not easy. Word, PDF
* APOLOGETICS CATECHISM FOR KIDS Twelve questions to inoculate your kids against post-modern relativism and brainwashing. Word, PDF
* ARMINIAN LOGIC FALLACIES Refutes four of the most common logic errors on which Arminian theology is based. Word, PDF
* BAPTISM What is the biblical mode of baptism, and who has the right to it? Word, PDF
* BIBLE OUTLINE INSERTS Paste these doctrine outlines into your Bible for handy reference. Word, PDF
* BANG FOR BUCK Supporting Nationals Instead of Missionaries? Is it more efficient to support missionaries or nationals? Word, PDF
* BOOK OF CHURCH ORDER QUESTIONS Questions on the Presbyterian Book of Church Order to prepare candidates for ordination. Word, PDF
* CASH AND CONSCIENCE: What do Christians owe the poor? This article shows shows how liberal Christians confuse the difference between equality and equity, charity and social justice. Freedom of conscience is at the heart of the question. Word, PDF
* CHURCH MEMBERSHIP Some hold that the only requirement for church membership should be baptism and a profession of faith. A church membership list may not even be necessary. Is this biblical? Word, PDF
* CHRISTIANS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD? Dread or joy? What will judgment be like for Christians? Rewards only or a review of failings? Here is a balanced and biblical perspective. Word, PDF
* DEACONESSES Does the Bible permit women to hold this office? Word, PDF
* EVIL AND DIVINE DECREES How can God decree that evil should exist and yet be holy. Word, PDF
* ELDER CONTROVERSY (Does the Bible teach one office or two? Word, PDF
* EFFECTUAL CALL: What Is it? Word, PDF
* FREE WILL: What is a will? What does “free” mean? Word, PDF
* FAITH: How To Make It Grow Genuine faith has a lot of counterfeits. How do we tell the difference? Word, PDF
* FOREKNOWLEDGE AND ELECTION Does God elect people because he foresees they will believe? This common notion is refuted here. Word, PDF
* GRACE: What Is It? Word, PDF
* GUIDED BY GOD Finding God’s will becomes easier if we know what is the foundation. Word, PDF
* HOW CAN A GOOD GOD PERMIT EVIL? Provides Christians with sound philosophical answers to show why this question is irrational. Word, PDF
* HOW TO EVALUATE SPIRITUAL GIFTS Biblical criteria for revealing whether or not a spiritual gift manifestation is legitimate. Word, PDF
* HOW TO WRITE STUDY GUIDES A 12-page article describing the techniques Dr. Smalling uses to write his study guides. Helpful for teachers who want to improve their writing style and lesson preparation. Word, PDF
* HEALING Is it a lack of faith to go to a doctor? Is physical healing in the atonement? Is there are difference between healing ministry in the days of Jesus and now? Word, PDF
* JUSTIFICATION STUDY GUIDE A fill-in-the-blank 8-page guide on justification by faith. Ideal for group studies and Sunday school. Word, PDF
* LOGIC: An Absolute? What is the basis of logic? Is it really a valid criterion for the evaluation of truth? Word, PDF
* LOGIC AND CHRISTIANITY Why logic is an absolute, how it differs from reason and why it is the only criteria for validation of truth, including the authority of the Bible. Word, PDF
* MENTORING FOR LEADERSHIP Three chapters from Smalling’s book Christian Leadership compare biblical versus modern evangelical concepts in leadership training. Gives criteria for choosing trainees, along with practical tips and pitfalls.
* MUSIC IN WORSHIP Contemporary songs or traditional hymns? Which is “right”? Word, PDF
* ON EVANGELICAL-CATHOLIC ECUMENISM In a teaching seminar, the speaker declared we should unite with and help any Christian movement where the Holy Spirit seems to be moving, including Catholicism. Is this right? Word, PDF
* ORDINATION OF WOMEN Is it discriminatory to deny ordination of women to ecclesiastical offices? This essay shows the intent is protective, not discriminatory, with other reasons why such ordinations are unbiblical. Word, PDF
* PROVIDENCE: What Is It? Word, PDF
* PSALMODY Does the Bible indicate we must sing Psalms only during worship? The answer may not be a simple yes or no. Word, PDF
* PERFECT OBEDIENCE In James 2 we read we are guilty of breaking all of God’s commands if we break one of them. Is this fair? Word, PDF
* PRESERVATION (Sure, God preserves His people. Where does our free will fit in? Word, PDF
* QUIT CALLING YOURSELF A SINNER At least not all the time. After all, you have a new identity in Christ. Word, PDF
* RELATIVISM AND TRUTH Is truth relative to the individual? This essay shows why it is not. Word, PDF
* RELATIVISM IN THE CHURCH The notion that truth is a matter of personal perspective permeates our entire culture. How does this poison affect the church and what can we do about it? Word, PDF
* RULING ELDER EXAM An exam for ruling elder candidates in the Presbyterian Church in America. Word, PDF
* SANCTIFICATION Is this where we put our security of salvation? Word, PDF
* SOVEREIGNTY and SUFFERING If we cannot resolve the old dilemma of a good God who allows suffering, can we trust Him anyway? Word, PDF
* SHADOW EATERS: A Dark Side in the Reformed Faith. Legalism can afflict any movement. How has it impacted the reformed? Word, PDF
*UNSAVED HUSBANDS: How can a Christian wife live with an unsaved husband? How can she win him? Does God require her to submit to abuse? Word, PDF
* WHAT DO CHRISTIANS OWE THE POOR? Some evangelical teachers say Christians owe a debt to the poor of the world, especially Americans. This article refutes and exposes this as a revised form of the unbiblical social gospel. Word, PDF
* WHAT IS A WEAK CHRISTIAN? In a Bible study on Romans 14, a lively discussion occurred on how to live out our freedom in Christ in the presence of weaker believers. What is a weaker believer, after all? Word, PDF
* WHY I AM NOT MISSIONAL Commitment to missions is one thing. When a fad-word describing it has roots in liberalism with seeds of serious error, we need to take a closer look at it. Word, PDF
* WOMEN TEACHING IN THE CHURCH When is it appropriate for women to teach in the church? Word, PDF
* WOLVES: Recognizing And Dealing With Them. Cults or other problematic people try to bother the people in your church. What are their characteristics? Word, PDF
* YOGA: Is it okay for Christians to practice it? That is doubtful as Dr. Smalling explains. Word, PDF
(Taken from our Leadership Manuals.)
* CHRIST’S PHILOSOPHY OF LEADERSHIP How many Christian philosophies of leadership are there? Only one. Christ outlines it in Matthew 20. Word, PDF
* KEY VIRTUE IN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP With this virtue, we can dispense with most management techniques. Word, PDF
* THE DANGERS OF HIERARCHY IN CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS If we build Christian organizations on the model of corporate business America, what kind of moral and spiritual effects can we expect? Word, PDF
* MENTORING The heart and meaning of mentoring for leadership. The last three chapters of Roger Smalling’s book on Christian Leadership. Word, PDF
* PRIVILEGES AND ETHICS: Relationships Among Christian Leaders. We often talk about the duties of ministers. What about their rights? Are there rules in the way they treat one another? PDF
* CREATIVE THINKING Any kind of serious thinking is hard. Thinking creatively is harder. What are the barriers to it and how can it work in Christian leadership? Word, PDF
* VISION: An ambiguous word. Without it, the term leader is hollow. It merits defining. Word, PDF
NOTE: The documents above are free. However, they cost to have them translated into other languages.
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